Water Well

Drilling wells requires an in-depth understanding of groundwater and its types

The drilling method of diamond drill bits has replaced traditional low-efficiency manual drilling. 

Water below the horizontal surface becomes groundwater, which is formed by water from the

ground surface through penetration. The water on the ground includes all water resources such

as rivers, rivers and lakes. To transport groundwater to the ground by pumping pressure, you need

to drill wells. An in-depth understanding of groundwater and its types is very helpful for successful 

well drilling.

The upper water

The water closest to the surface is in direct contact with the atmosphere and surface water.This layer 

of water can be directly exchanged with substances on the ground and is not suitable 

for direct drinking.It is a gravity water that exists on the local aquifer in the full air zone, which is generally 

not widely distributed.It is groundwater accumulated by the local aquifer during precipitation or surface 

water seepage. This water is directly related to the season and climate.


In the upper water layer of the first aquifer (completely impervious rock formation or soil layer, etc.,

it interacts directly with the upper water, so it is also vulnerable to pollution from the surface environment. 

The advantage of this layer of water is that it is relatively easy to obtain. 

In most areas, manual drilling is the water source of this layer, and there is no need for diamond drills to 

drill into the rock formation or soil.

Pressurized water

Pressurized water is a layer overflowing between the two aquifers. Due to the obstruction of the aquifer,

the pollutants on the surface cannot fully penetrate into the aquifer, so it is healthier to apply such a water 

source. Hydrogeological well drilling is to extract such water sources,drill through the aquifer through the 

diamond drill bit, and pump it to the ground for people to live and irrigate.

Because the geological drilling rig needs to reach the pressurized water layer to use the diamond drill bit to

drill well well well well, it is judged whether the water supply is marked that when the drill bit drills into the

water layer, there will be a relatively large water pressure flow from the orifice,mainly because the pressure

of the pressurized water is in a relatively closed space. Therefore, after seeing the scene of water coming from

 the mouth of the hole,the well driller will smile and complete the well drilling task again.