Brand story, top secret!!!

Brand development history

Brand story, top secret!!!

Our company's brand development history can be traced back to 1995 when we started with manufacturing diamond wire saws. At that time, the market for diamond wire saws in China was scarce, but we quickly captured the leading position nationwide with our high-quality technology.

During this period, many customers began inquiring about drill bit products, prompting our company to notice the market demand. In 2015, we decided to enter the drill bit market. Despite facing technical challenges in this new field, our CEO and core technical team worked tirelessly day and night on research and development. Eventually, we gained recognition from a well-known Korean brand, becoming their authorized factory and driving our technological advancement.

However, we did not stop there. We continued to recruit talents and led teams to conduct on-site testing in various mines, continuously improving our products. Since joining the company in 2017, my sunburned skin symbolizes my dedication and hard work. Starting from raw materials, we adopted XGQ25 high-strength alloy steel. Despite the higher cost, numerous tests were conducted to ensure product durability. Most of the income was invested in research and development, and we always insisted on prioritizing quality, refusing to lower wages even in difficult times.

Finally, in 2019, we successfully developed drill bits that are more durable and wear-resistant than leading domestic brands. We also introduced large-diameter drill bits ranging from 12 to 34 inches, priced at only half of the main brands. Through relentless pursuit of quality, innovation, and pricing, we have continuously stood out in the market, providing unparalleled value to our customers.


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